Layne’s Story

I wish that our current law makers knew more about child development and the extraordinary impact of a positive bonding experience for both mothers and fathers.

I used to run an organization called Boys to Men. We used to run a class called bootcamp for new dads because the data shows that if fathers are much more actively involved in the lives of their infants - it has demonstrable outcomes in the child's success later on i.e. school and the child's social and emotional learning. It dramatically cuts down on rates of abuse. It gives the dads the skills and information of the importance of spending time. But then it is up to the employers to give the dads the time. That is why we need Paid Family and Medical Leave for All.

I guess my wish for our elected folks is to understand the impact of TIME and Education on the well-being of children and families. Parents need all the support they can get to successfully grow and raise a family.

It’s cliché to say it's a no brainer, but it is. Why haven’t we figured this out yet?


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