Anna’s Story

In 2013, we lost a baby in the middle of our pregnancy at 5 months along. We gave birth to our stillborn son at a local hospital and we were left in complete shock after what had been an otherwise completely healthy pregnancy.

In addition to the devastation of this - this was our first pregnancy after many years of trying - I quickly realized how I was going to have to navigate leave at work. We had seven other women in my large organization who were pregnant and they all worked in my local office. I knew that coming back to work too quickly was not a good idea.

My obstetrician told me that I would really need to give birth to qualify for maternity leave with most employers. Of course that wasn't the primary reason we chose to go that route but she did mention it was a factor to think about. I went through two and a half days of labor, all in a sort of blur, and delivered our son on our wedding anniversary. 

Gratefully my employer gave me five and a half weeks of maternity leave, but getting paid for that time had to go through our disability insurance which ran me through what felt like a gauntlet of inappropriate and insulting questions. All this to only be paid 75% of my hourly pay while I was out... It should be noted that because we were five months along I had not saved up enough at this point to compensate for the difference that I was expecting to have financially when I went on leave after a normal delivery. 

I was asked questions by my insurance company like was he born and removed in one piece? Was he taken away by the hospital or did he have a burial? There were questions about his gestation, etc. It was horrifying, and all of this weeks before Christmas, while planning his little funeral. Suddenly it occurred to me what other moms and families must have to go through. My husband wasn't as lucky to have five and a half weeks off, and after a few days he had to return to work. It was a nightmare I don't wish on any family. I am 100% in favor of paid leave for all Maine workers.

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